Learn to Thrive Again!

Hi, I’m Christine Bernat. 🦋 I help parents & educators who are dealing with the array of emotions, feelings, and thoughts due to daily pressures so they can live a thriving life amongst the chaos we live in. Raising children comes with many challenges, having the energy, patience, insight, and quality time with them and yourselves is essential for everyone’s well-being. If you are ready to thrive in your life, feel grounded, be clear about your next steps and have enough energy to work and also play with your children, then I’d like to help you.

And if you already have tried many different options that didn’t really work and you are ready to look at out-of-the-box solutions that worked for me, I can really help you. On my site, you’ll learn more about my story, about how coaching with me works, and about how to schedule a session to help you achieve your goals.
You can also subscribe and follow me, and contact me if you have questions. I’d love to hear from you! You can write to me here: Christine@ChristineBernat.com

Perfection: Time to Forgive & Thrive
Cell Phones, Do you need an agreement with your preteen or teen?